Our values of safety, trust, entrepreneurship, innovation, excellence, integrity, respect, and care form the core of our business.
Our first focus is ensuring that all our people and our stakeholders get home safe and well, every day. “Zero Harm” is the goal we aim for.
We actively foster a culture of mutual trust in our interactions with our stakeholders and encourage open dialogue to ensure mutual respect.
Our people are our most important assets. We actively encourage their development and support them in pursuing their goals.
We embrace an environment conducive to innovation with zero harm as the defining factor. Optimal use of natural resources improves efficiency and by-product recovery.
Our primary focus is to deliver value of the highest standard to our stakeholders. We are motivated to improve costs and quality of production at each operation by upholding a best practice culture.
As we continue to grow, we are committed to creating sustainable futures for our people and communities in a zero-harm environment.
We are consistent in our application of human rights principles. In our engagement with all stakeholders, we apply the principle of free, prior, and informed consent, which allows all interested and affected parties to voice opinions and concerns.
We are committed to ethical and transparent engagement with all our stakeholders. With our sights set on accountability, we maintain the highest standards of professionalism and compliance with local and international policies and procedures.