Why Zinc International?

As a group, Vedanta Resource Limited believes that “human capital” is the strongest asset and identifying internal talent and elevating them to enhanced leadership roles has been the source of advantage for the group.
  • To keep the talent pipeline updated with the right knowledge, skills and attitude, Vedanta focuses on competency development of the employees to meet the current and future needs of the business, through robust talent development initiatives ensuring several interventions for retaining our talent.
  • The key focus has been to help the organisation adapt to a “New way of working” by optimising processes, reducing costs, consolidating, and enhancing roles across levels and building internal capabilities.
  • At VZI, we offer employees an environment that is safe, rewarding, and supportive.
  • We endeavour to empower employees by providing an engaging workplace that enables them to realise their full potential.
Growing at Vedanta
  • Vedanta follows a multi-dimensional approach for leadership development & capability building to address its short, medium- and long-term plans.
  • Inputs for organisation-wide change initiatives are championed by the leadership and are identified from the long-term business strategies and business needs.
  • To gauge the appropriate level of potential of the current talent pool, Vedanta has designed and deployed a comprehensive Talent Management framework in close partnership with the Senior Leadership Team (Executive Committee and CEOs).
The talent management framework has resulted in building a talent-focused organisation that assures that capable incumbents are manning critical roles and ensure risk mitigation.
Women In Mining
VZI is particularly focused on the inclusion and advancement of women in its workforce. The (albeit slowly) changing face of mining presents a growing number of opportunities for women. We always seek to hire a woman in a new or vacant position. We also look at internal promotions, prioritising women with potential, often putting those women into deputy EXCO positions, and providing strong support and mentoring network, which gives them the opportunity to grow into those positions.
Vedanta’s Reward Philosophy
Vedanta has a uniform reward practices to enable seamless experience for an employee during internal business movements. Vedanta follows triple bottom line of ‘People, Planet and Prosperity’ to create a sustainable future in a “zero-harm, zero waste and zero discharge” environment for the communities.
Vedanta’s reward philosophy is mainly focused on 3 factors:
  • Market Competitive Salary and Benefits
  • Business Performance Linkage
  • Best Benchmark in the industry
What are we looking for?
We aim to attract, develop and retain high-quality, talented individuals that can operate within a high-growth and entrepreneurial environment. Our recruitment philosophy is based on attracting the right person for the right job.
Potential candidates must show:
  • An eagerness to learn
  • Specialist experience
  • A passion for the mining industry and their respective field
  • An affinity for our company culture and values